Primary Health Care Centres & Public Health KPI (2019-20) - Madhya Pradesh, India

2 minute read

Primary Health Centres in MP

Primary Health Centres(PHC) are the first contact point between the community and the medical officer in India. The activities of PHC involve curative, preventive, promotive and family welfare services. Minimum requirement for a PHC dictates it to be manned by a medical officer supported by 14 paramedical and other staff, there is a provision for two additional staff nurses at PHCs on contract basis under NRHM. It acts as a referral unit for 6 Sub Centres and has 4-6 beds for patients.

1. Current situation of PHCs in Madhya Pradesh, India (2019-20)

Total no. of PHCs in MP = 1156
Total no. of PHCs in India = 30045 (24855 rural+5190 urban)
Total no. of 24x7 PHC in India = 9468
Total population of MP = 7.33 crores
Total population of India = 135.26 crores

Country Benchmark
% of population residing in MP as compared to country = 7.33/135.26100 = 5.4%
% PHCs operational in MP as compared to country = 1156/30045
100 = 3.85%

Deficiency in no. of PHCs in comparison to country average = (5.4%-3.85%)x30045 = 466

PHC Norm for Urban Norm for Rural
Avg. population covered by PHC 50000 20000-30000
Avg. area (Sq. Km) covered by PHC - 120.19
Avg. no. of villages covered by PHC - 26

3. Demographic Indicators for Madhya Pradesh (2019-20)

State Rural Area = 301283.24
State Urban Area = 6961.76
No. of villages = 54903
Urban population = 20,069,405
Rural population = 52,557,404
Area in sq. kms.

4. Requirements as per Norms and Demographics

No. of PHCs required for Rural=
Total Rural population/ Average population covered by PHC
= 2103
No. of PHCs required for Urban=
Total Urban population/ Average population covered by PHC
= 1052
Total no. of PHCs required = 3155
Total no. of PHCs in MP = 1156

Incremental PHCs required in the state = 1999 = 173% more PHCs are required in MP


The current situation points out that Madhya Pradesh is lagging behind the country average in terms of population density wise availability of PHCs, New PHCs should be made operational for making Health Care services available to the population. An ideal number of new PHCs that need to be included should have a floor value of 466 to meet countr

Disclaimer The data has been accessed from the MP govt. website, however the calculations and analysis performed is the intellectual property of the site owner

